Welcome Kindergarten Families!
I am so pleased that you have visited my website.
Throughout the year, I will add: monthly new letters, pictures and video clips in the drop down menu at the top.
I am looking forward to a great year!
Mrs. J
Promontory Heights Elementary School
Kindergarten Div. 2
General Classroom Information
The B.E.E Folder
This folder is designed to facilitate communication between home and school. Your child will bring home newsletters and other messages in the folder. Please place notes/ papers intended for me, here, as well. Thank you!
Home/School Communication
I will communicate with you every month (usually the first of every month) to let you know what is happening in our class. If you do not receive a newsletter and/or my website does not have a new newsletter posted, please let me know as soon as possible.
The office will send E-Blasts with general, school wide information. Promontory also has a monthly newsletter posted on the school website.
As a curtesy, I will try to send an occasional email reminder; however, please do not rely on me to send reminders of upcoming activities. I believe you are all responsible, successful adults who are capable of keeping your lives organized. :-)
Our Website
Our class has a website where I post all of the newsletters and updates for our class. After September, I try not to send home any paper copies of newsletters.
Our Website is: [email protected] My site will have photos, links to educational sites and video clips.
If you do not want pictures of your child posted on my website, please let me know.
There is also a virtual permission form for you to complete on-line, for the office.
Weekly Events
Music- Monday
Outdoor Education - Tuesday (Dress for the weather- we go out rain or shine.)
Maker Space -Wednesday
Library – Thursday
Physical Education Class – Thursday and Friday
Eating Time
Snack time and lunch time are an important part of the Kindergarten program. It is used as an opportunity to practice good nutritional habits and manners.
For Recess, the children are encouraged to bring one nutritional snack (raw vegetables, fruit, cheese and crackers, ½ sandwich, small container of yogurt). The children will eat their Recess Snack during our Centre Time. This allows time for the children to thoroughly wash their hands and consume their snack at a table.
For Lunch, a choice of healthful foods is encouraged. Please ensure that your child can independently open the containers you send in your child’s lunch. (The children are allotted 20-25 mins. to eat their lunch. )
Please send a refillable, spill-proof water bottle. Water is, by far, the healthiest choice of drink. If you wish to send in any other drink, please make sure it is in a child-accessible, spill-proof container.
An occasional treat is O.K.; however, please do not send any candy in your child’s lunch.
Going Green! The school district has implemented a new waste management system. We do not have a garbage can in our classroom. There are four bins located in the hall, near our class, for : paper, pop cans/ juice boxes, compostable material and garbage. We are encouraging parents to pack their children’s lunches with as little packaging as possible to cut down on the amount of waste we generate. Thanks in advance for your cooperation!
Note: There is no microwave available for children and we are a Peanut Aware School .
Allergies and Medication
Please let me know, in writing, if your child has any allergies or diet restrictions. If your child has a medical condition, which may require administration of medicine at school, (e.g. Epi-pen, inhaler, Benadryl etc. ) you and your child’s physician will need to complete a Medical Alert form and provide the medication with complete instructions. Please see the office for the form.
Scholastic Book Club
I take part in the Scholastic Book Club. This company provides inexpensive books to purchase for your child’s home library. If you wish to place an order, please order and play on Scholastic’s website.
Happy Reading!
This is a special day and we will do our best to help your child feel special at school. Your child will choose a small gift from the birthday tin and will receive a birthday pencil from the office. In addition, You are welcome to send in a treat for the class. (Egg free, if possible.)
Special Helper
Each child in our class will have the opportunity to be the Special Helper of the day on a rotating basis. The Special Helper will usually help with Morning Carpet routines and do other little jobs that come up throughout the school day.
The Special Helper will also have an opportunity to share with the class. Your child will be engaged in a few different special helper activities throughout the year such as: taking home The Mystery Bag so that he/she can bring something special from home; making an ‘All About Me’ poster or learning something about themselves or another family member and sharing this story with the class.
These activities build oral language, strengthen memory skills and provide an opportunity for public speaking.
Parent Helpers
I am looking forward to getting to know all my parents! Parent helpers play a vital role in helping teachers in a variety of ways. All volunteers must have a current criminal record check. I will notify parents when there are opportunities to volunteer.
Please ensure your child establishes good routines for his/her first year of school and arrives each day on time. This is a vital part to school success. If your child is going to be away, please notify the office as soon as possible. (604-824-4885 )
If your child arrives after the 8:25 bell, she/he will be marked late. If the late arrival is after 8:30; then your child will be required to get a late slip from the office to ensure that his or her attendance is recorded.
Sending in Money
There may be many times when your child will bring money to school.
*PLEASE do not send in loose money.*
Kindergarten children sometimes forget what their money was intended for, or they just simply lose track of it. (Even when we find coins on the floor or in an unmarked bag, it is difficult to return it to the correct child because nearly every child in the class believes that the money belongs to them.)
To support our little ones, please send money to school in an envelope or plastic baggie, clearly marked with your child’s name and what the money is for.( Example : Sally Hot lunch) Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Before and Afterschool Routines
Your child will wait, outside in front of our classroom window in the morning and I will let them in using our outside door. At the end of the day, I will release the children from this same door. The children will alert me when he/she sees the adult who picks them up (their ‘Safe-Adult’). Please don’t take your child from our designated area without notifying me in some way. It’s very unsettling to have children ‘disappear’ from sight while I’m busy speaking with a parent or child! Thanks for your cooperation J
Change of address/Phone number/Emergency Numbers
Please notify the office if you have any changes in address, phone number, or emergency numbers (including change in childcare. This will ensure that I can always get a hold of you.
Please feel free to talk to me if you have any concerns regarding your child. The best time to talk to me is after school, or you can email me at: Stacey_ [email protected].
Our Class List
Rosa ( Rosi)
Nicholas (Nick)
Natalie ( Nati )
Welcome Kindergarten Families!
I am so pleased that you have visited my website.
Throughout the year, I will add: monthly new letters, pictures and video clips in the drop down menu at the top.
I am looking forward to a great year!
Mrs. J
Promontory Heights Elementary School
Kindergarten Div. 2
General Classroom Information
The B.E.E Folder
This folder is designed to facilitate communication between home and school. Your child will bring home newsletters and other messages in the folder. Please place notes/ papers intended for me, here, as well. Thank you!
Home/School Communication
I will communicate with you every month (usually the first of every month) to let you know what is happening in our class. If you do not receive a newsletter and/or my website does not have a new newsletter posted, please let me know as soon as possible.
The office will send E-Blasts with general, school wide information. Promontory also has a monthly newsletter posted on the school website.
As a curtesy, I will try to send an occasional email reminder; however, please do not rely on me to send reminders of upcoming activities. I believe you are all responsible, successful adults who are capable of keeping your lives organized. :-)
Our Website
Our class has a website where I post all of the newsletters and updates for our class. After September, I try not to send home any paper copies of newsletters.
Our Website is: [email protected] My site will have photos, links to educational sites and video clips.
If you do not want pictures of your child posted on my website, please let me know.
There is also a virtual permission form for you to complete on-line, for the office.
Weekly Events
Music- Monday
Outdoor Education - Tuesday (Dress for the weather- we go out rain or shine.)
Maker Space -Wednesday
Library – Thursday
Physical Education Class – Thursday and Friday
Eating Time
Snack time and lunch time are an important part of the Kindergarten program. It is used as an opportunity to practice good nutritional habits and manners.
For Recess, the children are encouraged to bring one nutritional snack (raw vegetables, fruit, cheese and crackers, ½ sandwich, small container of yogurt). The children will eat their Recess Snack during our Centre Time. This allows time for the children to thoroughly wash their hands and consume their snack at a table.
For Lunch, a choice of healthful foods is encouraged. Please ensure that your child can independently open the containers you send in your child’s lunch. (The children are allotted 20-25 mins. to eat their lunch. )
Please send a refillable, spill-proof water bottle. Water is, by far, the healthiest choice of drink. If you wish to send in any other drink, please make sure it is in a child-accessible, spill-proof container.
An occasional treat is O.K.; however, please do not send any candy in your child’s lunch.
Going Green! The school district has implemented a new waste management system. We do not have a garbage can in our classroom. There are four bins located in the hall, near our class, for : paper, pop cans/ juice boxes, compostable material and garbage. We are encouraging parents to pack their children’s lunches with as little packaging as possible to cut down on the amount of waste we generate. Thanks in advance for your cooperation!
Note: There is no microwave available for children and we are a Peanut Aware School .
Allergies and Medication
Please let me know, in writing, if your child has any allergies or diet restrictions. If your child has a medical condition, which may require administration of medicine at school, (e.g. Epi-pen, inhaler, Benadryl etc. ) you and your child’s physician will need to complete a Medical Alert form and provide the medication with complete instructions. Please see the office for the form.
Scholastic Book Club
I take part in the Scholastic Book Club. This company provides inexpensive books to purchase for your child’s home library. If you wish to place an order, please order and play on Scholastic’s website.
Happy Reading!
This is a special day and we will do our best to help your child feel special at school. Your child will choose a small gift from the birthday tin and will receive a birthday pencil from the office. In addition, You are welcome to send in a treat for the class. (Egg free, if possible.)
Special Helper
Each child in our class will have the opportunity to be the Special Helper of the day on a rotating basis. The Special Helper will usually help with Morning Carpet routines and do other little jobs that come up throughout the school day.
The Special Helper will also have an opportunity to share with the class. Your child will be engaged in a few different special helper activities throughout the year such as: taking home The Mystery Bag so that he/she can bring something special from home; making an ‘All About Me’ poster or learning something about themselves or another family member and sharing this story with the class.
These activities build oral language, strengthen memory skills and provide an opportunity for public speaking.
Parent Helpers
I am looking forward to getting to know all my parents! Parent helpers play a vital role in helping teachers in a variety of ways. All volunteers must have a current criminal record check. I will notify parents when there are opportunities to volunteer.
Please ensure your child establishes good routines for his/her first year of school and arrives each day on time. This is a vital part to school success. If your child is going to be away, please notify the office as soon as possible. (604-824-4885 )
If your child arrives after the 8:25 bell, she/he will be marked late. If the late arrival is after 8:30; then your child will be required to get a late slip from the office to ensure that his or her attendance is recorded.
Sending in Money
There may be many times when your child will bring money to school.
*PLEASE do not send in loose money.*
Kindergarten children sometimes forget what their money was intended for, or they just simply lose track of it. (Even when we find coins on the floor or in an unmarked bag, it is difficult to return it to the correct child because nearly every child in the class believes that the money belongs to them.)
To support our little ones, please send money to school in an envelope or plastic baggie, clearly marked with your child’s name and what the money is for.( Example : Sally Hot lunch) Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Before and Afterschool Routines
Your child will wait, outside in front of our classroom window in the morning and I will let them in using our outside door. At the end of the day, I will release the children from this same door. The children will alert me when he/she sees the adult who picks them up (their ‘Safe-Adult’). Please don’t take your child from our designated area without notifying me in some way. It’s very unsettling to have children ‘disappear’ from sight while I’m busy speaking with a parent or child! Thanks for your cooperation J
Change of address/Phone number/Emergency Numbers
Please notify the office if you have any changes in address, phone number, or emergency numbers (including change in childcare. This will ensure that I can always get a hold of you.
Please feel free to talk to me if you have any concerns regarding your child. The best time to talk to me is after school, or you can email me at: Stacey_ [email protected].
Our Class List
Rosa ( Rosi)
Nicholas (Nick)
Natalie ( Nati )